A bit about me.

I am a printmaker and illustrator based in Fife, Scotland.

I make linocut prints working from my home studio where I design, carve and print using my etching press from Hawthorn Printmakers. I also enjoy creating screen prints using the facilities at the Dundee Contemporary Arts print studio. Every now and then you’ll find me painting. Sometimes canvases, sometimes walls and even sculptures for public art trails.  I also facilitate printmaking workshops for various organisations, keep your eye on my socials for info about these.

You will find me popping up at craft markets throughout the year and I also have some lovely local independent shops that stock my work.  I also sell online through my Etsy shop. 

I am inspired by architecture, nature, places I’ve been, places I want to go to and of course by music. I have an ever growing series that I have titled Linocut Lyrics.

I am always happy to consider bespoke commissions so please do get in touch via p.mscott1984@gmail.com

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.

Current stockists include:

Haym 41 High Street, Carnoustie

Kist 151 Perth Road, Dundee

Pretty Fly Workshop 299 Brook St, Broughty Ferry, Dundee